Looking for a job?
Are you interested in working for a very wide range of functions within the hospitality industry?
Then this is the right place for you.
Join us to be a part of our company-The ServiceRoyal family.
And what can we offer?
Within ServiceRoyal you can earn experience with different kinds of jobs at various locations in the Nederlands.
You can start with no experience as a student, include training and opportunities to improve your skills.
If you have gained sufficient hours of experience ,your salary will raise.

Looking for a room?
Are you excited about your new student life?Try renting one of our student rooms.
Find a nice student room near your university .
Do you prefer something more private or a room in the shared house with other international students is more what you have in mind?
With us you will easily find what you need .
ServiceRoyal charges no fees for making this possible.

Looking for employees?
Do you need an extra hospitality staff for a day, week , month or a longer collaboration?
Let us know what kind kind of position needs to be filled and we will match you with one of our available candidates.
We will find solutions to your problems.
Don't be shy and contact us, it's never too late.
We make the impossible look easy.